Spread the Word About Our March 26 Call
Help spread the word with fellow Teamsters about the UPS Teamsters United call on Getting Ready for April Kickoff Actions, this Sunday March 26 at Noon Eastern, 11am Central, 10am Mountain and 9am Pacific.
Download our graphic to share on social media and in group texts, flyers to pass out to your coworkers, and a QR code to help you sign up fellow Teamsters. When passing out flyers, make sure you do so in non-work areas at non-work times: for example in the parking lot or in the break room.
You can also copy & paste this shortened link to invite people to register: bit.ly/ups-action. Thanks for spreading the word!
UPS Teamsters United is a grassroots network of Teamster members organizing to build the union’s contract campaign at UPS. We are independent of the IBT and its affiliates.