Fixed Days=8 Variable Days=4+possible 6
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Eve
- Holiday Pay = 8 Hours FT/ 4 Hours PT
- Holiday work can be forced = Yes
- Holiday work pay = 1.5x
- Company can Advance/Delay fixed holidays up to 7 days with notification
- Must work Day that Precedes or Follows Holiday for Holiday pay
- 4 personal Holidays 1 per year first 4 years/ 14 Days notice Employee discretion
- 1 Personal Holiday a day per 30 employees up to 6
- Optional Holiday From Sick Leave
- Personal days and Option Day can be combined into xtra Vacation not Summer
- Unused Personal Holidays Paid on Anniversary Date
- Sick Leave 4 Hrs per month/after 480 hours excess is paid out after 8/1
- Anyone with 240 hrs Sick Leave can request payment on 7/1
- 100% Paid @ retirement, 100% at discharge if over 240hrs/ 50% if over 120hrs