Hundreds of UPS Teamsters joined us to hear about moving from contract campaign to contract enforcement this Sunday. See a recording of our UPS Teamsters United webinar with guest speaker General President Sean O'Brien below.
Click here to read a summary of contract changes and get a copy of the new contract.
Then take action. Fill out this form to get in touch with an organizer and make plans to enforce the contract at your building.
We spent the last year uniting to win a strong contract. UPS will spend the next five years trying to violate it. We won’t let that happen!
This is a first in a series of online and in-person workshops from UPS Teamsters United on enforcing the new contract.
We review some key contract changes, with a focus this time on paycheck violations, supervisors working, and 9.5 rights with an eye to being prepared for the new 9.5 list.
Participants learned strategies for writing winning grievances and using contract enforcement to involve their co-workers and strengthen the union where they work.