
UPS walked away from the bargaining table around 4 a.m. on Wednesday after the National Negotiating Committee unanimously rejected the company’s latest substandard offer. The National Negotiating Committee has left Washington, DC. Local unions and members are ramping up practice picketing and ready to strike actions.

The Company did not put a last, best, and final offer on the table. 

“UPS had a choice to make, and they have clearly chosen to go down the wrong road,” said General President Sean O’Brien. 

There is still a path for the company to make a contract offer that Teamster negotiators can recommend to the membership. But that path is narrowing and time is running out. 

“We are united as a union and ready to strike if that’s what it takes to win,” said TDU co-chair and shop steward Eugene Braswell who will lead practice picketing by New York Local 804 members in Brooklyn tomorrow.