
Webinar: Fight Layoffs with Contract Enforcement

Over 500 UPS Teamsters joined our webinar to learn how to fight layoffs by enforcing the contract. Watch the recording here.

UPS Specialists: Contract Win Today, Nationwide Organizing Drive Tomorrow

UPS specialists and administrative workers at the Louisville Centennial Hub have ratified an agreement that brings them under the national UPS contract and paves the way for more than 5,000 nonunion admins and specialists nationwide to also become Teamsters.

UPS Rural Deferred Program Increases Layoffs, Reduces Service

UPS’s new program to reduce service to rural areas screws employees and customers alike. A grievance demanding that UPS bargain over the effects of rural deferment has deadlocked at the national grievance panel and will go before an arbitrator.

UPS Harassment: Deja Vu All Over Again

Layoffs. Harassment. Petty discipline. UPS management is on a tear. It’s a horrible way to run a company, but sadly it’s nothing new. In 2009, TDU exposed a UPS management memo promising to cut costs by harassing employees and violating the contract. Fifteen years later, it’s the same crap and worse.

Standing Up at UPS

Teamster tips for fighting harassment and enforcing our contract.