
Standing Up at UPS

Teamster tips for fighting harassment and enforcing our contract.

WATCH: Make UPS Pay for Supervisors Working

Hundreds of members tuned in to our UPS Teamsters United webinar "Make UPS Pay for Supervisors Working." Watch the webinar recording below, and check out these frequently asked questions to help you take on supervisors working at your building.

WATCH: Make UPS Pay for Supervisors Working

WATCH: Be Ready for Your Ride-Along/OJS

When management gets on your truck, their goal is to get information they can use to harass you and push you to work faster. Watch and share the recording.

Fight Layoffs with Contract Enforcement

UPS executives and Wall Street investors are crying because the company made “only” $9.9 billion in profits last year. The company will lay off 12,000 full and part-time managers as a result. Unlike management, Teamsters can fight layoffs. Here’s how.

Webinar: Preparing for "Hunting Season" at UPS

With peak season over and volume down, it’s “hunting season” at UPS. Watch and share the recording of our webinar on strategies for protecting members from discipline and responding to management with Teamster unity.